Most of this website's content can be downloaded. Just right-click on "rm" or "mp3"
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Love in PoliticsLove has a
place in
politics, but it is the love for one's country, for one's
for the
glory, greatness and happiness of the race, the divine aananda of
self-immolation for one's fellows, the ecstacy of relieving their
the joy of seeing one's blood flow for country and freedom, the bliss
of union
in death with the fathers of the race.
The feeling of almost physical
in the touch of the mother soil, of the winds that blow from Indian
seas, of
the rivers that stream from Indian hills, in the sight of Indian
Indian men, Indian women, Indian children, in the hearing of Indian
music, poetry, in the familiar sights, sounds, habits, dress, manners
of our
Indian life, this is the physical root of that love [of Mother India].
The pride in our
past, the
pain of our present, the passion for the future are its trunk and
Self-sacrifice, self-forgetfulness, great service and high endurance
for the
country are its fruit.
And the sap which keeps it alive is the
realisation of
the Motherhood of God in the country, the vision of the Mother, the
of the Mother, the perpetual contemplation, adoration and service of
In this webpage, I present excerpts from an excellent
7-day sangIta prasangam by Sri Madugula Nagaphani Sarma at Hyderabad in 2002.
My purpose is to introduce its rasa to rasikas.
This and other prasangams and gAnams are now available for online purchase at
avadhAna sarasvati website
It means, "Music and Literature are the two breasts of Sarasvati, the Mother
of Learning. One [like honey] is sweet as we drink it;
the other yields more and more nectar as we reflect on it [like an ikShu
khaNDa i.e., sugarcane piece].
Well, this sangIta prasangam by Madugula is 14 hours of pure rasa that is
both ApAta-madhuram and AlochanAmR^itam!
The entire prasangam's video is available for purchase in 18 VCDs
of excellent quality. I extracted the audio out of it all without losing
quality and converted it to realaudio and mp3.
I appeal to rasikas to come forward and monetarily contribute to Sarma
gAru's great cause, which is to set up a University for dhAraNa (retention in
memory) at Hyderabad. Purchasing his works is one way.