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ghR^iNA lajjA bhaya.n sha~NkA
jugupsA chEti pa.nchamE
kula.n shiila.n tathA jAtiH
aShTA pAsha iti smR^itAH
Miscellaneous | Articles | telugu Recipes |
In this page, we present Samskrit talks by renowned scholars in their areas of expertise. The objective is to educate as well as inspire youngsters learning Samskrit towards further exploration of the riches embedded in Samskrit literature.
In general, people are accustomed to hearing sanskrit only in Hindu devotional hymns (stotras). In this page, we present another side, namely polished Samskrit by fluent speakers.
Name | Vakta |
Samskritam: vinodaaya vikaasaaya cha | Shataavadhaani Sri R. Ganesh |
The Use of Technology for Samskrit Research: State of the Art | Dr. P. Ramanujachar, former Director and Head of Samskrit Studies at CDAC, Bangalore. |
Maharshi Paanini: The True Father of Computing | Prof. Shrinivasa Varkhede, Karnataka Samskrit University |