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The Morality of Boycott

A certain class of minds shrink from aggressiveness as if it were a sin. Their temperament forbids them to feel the delight of battle and they look on what they cannot understand as something monstrous and sinful... To ask masses of mankind to act as saints, to rise to the height of divine love and practise it in relation to their adversaries or oppressors is to ignore human nature... Hinduism recognizes human nature and makes no such impossible demand. To impose on politics the Brahminical duty of saintly sufferance, is to preach varNasankara, and to destroy society and the race.
Aggression is unjust only when unprovoked, violence unrighteous when used wantonly or for unrighteous ends.
It is a barren philosophy which applies a mechanical rule to all actions, or takes a word [non-violence] and tries to fit all human life into it... Ramdas is not complete without Shivaji. To maintain justice and prevent the strong from despoiling and the weak from being oppressed is the function for which the Kshatriya was created. Therefore, says Srikrishna in the Mahabharat, God created battle and armour, the sword, the bow and the dagger.
- Sri Aurobindo (On Nationalism, pp.  360-364)
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sa.ngItaM karNATaka hindusthaani lalita (telugu)
telugu purANAlu pravachanAlu sAhityaM toli velugulu
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Some famous telugu dramas

Select rm Select mp3 Title Author Artist
play, rm play, mp3 gaNapati - nATakam All India Radio Vijayawada nanDuuri Subba Rao and others
play, rm play, mp3 chintAmaNi - nATakam ? ?

Listen to famous rangasthala nATakams (Stage Plays) in my toli telugu velugulu section.
Also, listen to AIR sangIta rUpakAlu of 1960s about various puNyakShetrAlu in South India.

Sri Kappagantu Sivaram Prasad from Mumbai, INDIA has contributed the following nATakams telecast by AIR Vijayawada in the 1970s and 80s.
Select rm Select mp3 Title Artist
play, rm play, mp3 dondU dondE - nATakam nanDuuri Subba Rao and others
play, rm play, mp3 mA AviDatO peLLiki - nATakam nanDuuri Subba Rao and others
play, rm play, mp3 pUTakULLu - nATakam nanDuuri Subba Rao and others
play, rm play, mp3 sangha samsthApanArthAya - nATakam ?
play, rm play, mp3 vOTunna prajalaki kOTi danDAlu - nATakam ?

- Sarada and Sai Susarla (