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Shakti Lacking in India I believe that the main cause of India's weakness is not subjection, nor poverty, nor a lack of spirituality or Dharma, but a dimnution of thought-power, the spread of ignorance in the motherland of Knowledge. Everywhere I see an inability or unwillingness to think - incapacity of thought or "thought-phobia"... It is the one who can fathom and learn the truth of the world by thinking more, searching more, labouring more, who will gain more Shakti.... Look at Europe.
We, however, are not worshippers of Shakti; we are worshippers of the easy way... Our civilization has become ossified, our Dharma a bigotry of externals, our spirituality a faint glimmer of light or a momentary wave of intoxication. So long as this state of things lasts, any permanent resurgence of India is impossible.

We have abandoned the Sadhana of Shakti and so the Shakti has abandoned us. We practise the yoga of love, but where there is no Knowledge or Shakti, love does not stay, narrowness and littleness come in.

- Sri Aurobindo (India's Rebirth, pp. 152)

sa.ngItaM karNATaka hindusthaani lalita (telugu)
telugu purANAlu pravachanAlu sAhityaM toli velugulu
Miscellaneous Articles telugu Recipes sa.nskR^itaM digvijayii bhaarata (blog) padya kaumudi (blog)

Tyagaraja kirtanas (realaudio)

A plea to rasikas


M. Balamurali Krishna
M. Balamurali Krishna: Tyagaraja Tattvabodha kritis
Doraiswami Iyengar (Veena)
K. J. Yesudas
An archive of tyAgarAja kR^itis

M. Balamurali Krishna (Vocal)

Select rm Select mp3 Title Raaga Taala
play, rm play, mp3 tulasIdaLamulachE mAyAmALavagauLa rUpakam
play, rm play, mp3 evarani nirNayinchEdirA dEvAmR^itavarShiNi dESAdi
play, rm play, mp3 rArA mAyinTi dAkA AsavEri Adi
play, rm play, mp3 toli nEnu chEyu pUja kOkila varALi Adi
play, rm play, mp3 EmichEsitEnEmi - AlApana tODi -
play, rm play, mp3 EmichEsitEnEmi tODi chApu
play, rm play, mp3 rAgasudhArasa - AlApana AndOLika -
play, rm play, mp3 rAgasudhArasa AndOLika Adi
play, rm play, mp3 evarimATa - AlApana kAmbhOji -
play, rm play, mp3 evarimATa kAmbhOji Adi
play, rm play, mp3 kAlaharaNamElarA - AlApana Suddha sAvEri -
play, rm play, mp3 kAlaharaNamElarA Suddha sAvEri rUpakam
play, rm play, mp3 paralOka - AlApana mandAri -
play, rm play, mp3 paralOka mandAri Adi
play, rm play, mp3 varanArada vijayaSrI Adi
play, rm play, mp3 varanArada vijayaSrI Adi
play, rm play, mp3 niravadhi sukhadA ravi chandrika AlApana
play, rm play, mp3 niravadhi sukhadA ravi chandrika Adi

M. Balamurali Krishna: Tyagaraja Tattvabodha Kritis

Select rm Select mp3 Title Raaga Taala
play, rm play, mp3 manasu svAdhIna SankarAbharaNam miSra chApu
play, rm play, mp3 rAnidi rAdu - AlApana maNirangu -
play, rm play, mp3 rAnidi rAdu maNirangu Adi
play, rm play, mp3 yaj~nAdulu - AlApana jayamanohari -
play, rm play, mp3 yaj~nAdulu jayamanohari Adi
play, rm play, mp3 samayamu telisi - AlApana asAveri -
play, rm play, mp3 samayamu telisi asAveri miSra chApu
play, rm play, mp3 paramAtmuDu - AlApana vAgadhISvari -
play, rm play, mp3 paramAtmuDu vAgadhISvari Adi

Doraiswami Iyengar (Veena) D. Balakrishna (Veena support)
Vellore Ramabhadran (Mridangam)

Select rm Select mp3 Title Raaga Taala
play, rm play, mp3 vAchAmagOcharamE kaikavaSi dESAdi
play, rm play, mp3 nAdOpAsana bEgaDa dESAdi
play, rm play, mp3 padavi nI sadbhakti sALagabhairavi Adi
play, rm play, mp3 rAga ratna mAlikachE rItigauLa rUpakam
play, rm play, mp3 ii vasudha SahAna Adi

K. J. Yesudas (Vocal)

Select rm Select mp3 Title Raaga Taala
play, rm play, mp3 abhimAnamennaDu galgurA kunjari/vivardhini Adi

A plea to rasikas

One of my cherished goals for putting up this website is to collect and make available online some of those old (pre-1975) concerts by stalwarts which are so precious and rare to obtain. They are all locked up in the private music collections of a few individuals, who are not willing to share them with others for fear of loss.

That's precisely where the Internet helps, isn't it, to house music in an indestructible but widely shareable form?

Hence I request rasikas to come forward and share with me copies of those rare concerts so I can put them online to give everybody an oppurtunity to share the sangItAmR^itaM ! You'll be duly recognized on the website for your contribution. And rest assured that it will not be used for profit.

For starters, I am looking for the following:

I am especially looking for any clear and well-pronounced renditions of rare tyAgarAja kR^itis.

I am NOT interested in hosting contemporary artists' works on my website as there are umpteen other sites for that (e.g., musicindiaonline.com).

If you have anything interesting, please email to sai.susarla@gmail.com .

Transfer methods

You can send your collection to me in several ways: I'll put them on my website for everybody's benefit soon after receiving them.

- Sarada and Sai Susarla (sai.susarla@gmail.com)