Samskrit Talks by Experts (Audio)

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intellect If anyone thinks that we are merely intellectual beings, he is not a Hindu. Hinduism leaves the glorification of intellectuality to those who have never seen God. When we first received a European education, we allowed ourselves to be misled by the light of science. Science is a light within a limited room, not the sun which illumines the world.

It is in the heart where God resides. He works through the brain, but the brain is only one of His instruments.
Whatever the brain may plan, the heart knows first and whoever can go beyond the brain to the heart, will hear the voice of the Eternal.

- Sri Aurobindo (On Nationalism, pp.  266-268)
Read more of this article entitled The Glory of God in Man.

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telugu purANAlu pravachanAlu sAhityaM toli velugulu
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gIrvANa priyAH! susvAgatam! (Sanskrit Lovers! Welcome!)

In this page, we present Samskrit talks by renowned scholars in their areas of expertise. The objective is to educate as well as inspire youngsters learning Samskrit towards further exploration of the riches embedded in Samskrit literature.

In general, people are accustomed to hearing sanskrit only in Hindu devotional hymns (stotras). In this page, we present another side, namely polished Samskrit by fluent speakers.


ganesh_2011 ganesh_2011_songset: Array ramanujachar_2011 ramanujachar_2011_songset: Array varkhede_2011 varkhede_2011_songset: Array
Name Vakta
Samskritam: vinodaaya vikaasaaya cha Shataavadhaani Sri R. Ganesh
The Use of Technology for Samskrit Research: State of the Art Dr. P. Ramanujachar, former Director and Head of Samskrit Studies at CDAC, Bangalore.
Maharshi Paanini: The True Father of Computing Prof. Shrinivasa Varkhede, Karnataka Samskrit University

ganesh_2011 ganesh_2011_songset: Array

Samskritam: vinodaaya vikaasaaya cha

Vakta: Shataavadhaani Sri R. Ganesh
Date: July 16, 2011
Notes: Sri R. Ganesh is a well-known scholar and poet in several languages, especially Samskrit. His erudition and Samskrit diction are of the highest class. This is an inspirational talk by him on the increasing importance to the modern society.

Select rm Select mp3 Samskrit_Title English_Title
play, mp3 Samskritam: vinodaaya vikaasaaya cha Samskrit for Entertainment and Enrichment

ramanujachar_2011 ramanujachar_2011_songset: Array

The Use of Technology for Samskrit Research: State of the Art

Vakta: Dr. P. Ramanujachar, former Director and Head of Samskrit Studies at CDAC, Bangalore.
Date: August 21, 2011

Select rm Select mp3 Samskrit_Title English_Title
play, mp3 ? The Use of Technology for Samskrit Research: State of the Art

varkhede_2011 varkhede_2011_songset: Array

Maharshi Paanini: The True Father of Computing

Vakta: Prof. Shrinivasa Varkhede, Karnataka Samskrit University
Date: Oct 23, 2011

Select rm Select mp3 Samskrit_Title English_Title
play, mp3 ? Paanini's Ashtadhyaayi: A Computational Marvel

- Sarada and Sai Susarla (