Sanskrit Speeches by Samskrita Bharati (audio)

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God and Kaliyuga God always keeps for himself a chosen country in which the higher knowledge is through all chances and dangers, ... continually preserved, and for the present, in this Chaturyuga at least, that country is India. Whenever he chooses to take the full pleasure of ignorance, of the dualities, of strife and wrath and tears and weakness and selfishness, ... of the play of the Kali [not Kaali], he dims the knowledge in India and puts her down into weakness and degradation so that she may retire into herself and not interfere with this movement of his Lila. When he wants Narayana in man to become once again mighty and wise and blissful, then he once more pours out the knowledge on India and raises her up so that she may give the knowledge with its necessary consequences of might, wisdom and bliss to the whole world.

When there is the contracted movement of knowledge, the yogins in India withdraw from the world
and practise yoga for their own liberation and delight or for the liberation of a few disciples; but when the movement of knowledge again expands and the soul of India expands with it, they come forth once more and work in the world and for the world. Yogins like Janaka, Ajatashatru and Kartavirya once more sit on the thrones of the world and govern the nations.

- Sri Aurobindo (Yoga and its Objects)

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Sample Video of a Spoken-sanskrit Class
Speeches at jAhnavI Sibiram 2007
Vyakaranam Class
Prof. Vempati Kutumba Sastry at Haimavati sa.nskR^ita Sibiram July 2006
Sri Chamu Krishna Sastry at AlakanandA sa.nskR^ita Sibiram July 2000

Samskrita Bharati: Sample Video of a Spoken-Sanskrit Class

Samskrita Bharati is an organization co-founded by Sri Chamu Krishna Sastry, for spreading the use of sa.nskR^itam in daily life. Their revolutionary teaching technique has proven that sanskrit-learning can be made both simple and fun. They make students speak in sanskrit right from the start just like how kids learn their mother tongue naturally - by first listening, then speaking, later reading and writing. As a result, Samskrita Bharati's famous 10-day (@ 2hrs/day) sanskrit sibirams enable anyone with working knowledge of an Indian language to start comfortably speaking in pure sanskrit in just 10 days!

Their teaching technique has been adopted by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, the apex Govt. body that decides Sanskrit curriculum in India.
Don't believe it? Just watch a half-hour realvideo stream (below) of their beginners' class in action and judge for yourself.
To purchase these videos, please send email to
Select rm Select mp3 Title
play, rm Spoken-sanskrit class volume 1 of 40 (realvideo)

Speeches at jAhnavi sa.nskR^ita Sibiram, 2007

Select rm Select mp3 Title voice
play, rm play, mp3 prArambhotsava prasa~NgaH Chamu Krishna Sastri

VyakaraNam class in Bay area, Nov 2007

Select rm Select mp3 Title date contents
play, rm play, mp3 Part 1 of 6 Nov 5
play, rm play, mp3 Part 2 of 6 Nov 7
play, rm play, mp3 Part 3 of 6 Nov 8
play, rm play, mp3 Part 4 of 6 Nov 12
play, rm play, mp3 Part 5 of 6 Nov 14
play, rm play, mp3 Part 6 of 6 Nov 14

Sri Chamu Krishna Sastry: Speeches at alakanandA sa.nskR^ita Sibiram, July 2000

These lectures by the founder of Samskrita Bharati, Sri Chamu Krishna Sastry, were delivered as part of the 10-day spoken sanskrit camp near Sacramento, CA, USA in July 2000. These were recorded by Sri. K.T. Narayana. Since they are part of a Sibiram, they are interactive in nature, and are rough recordings.

Although these are not professional recordings, I am putting them online as they discuss many important issues regarding Sanskrit. Enjoy their informal nature.

Select rm Select mp3 Title voice
play, rm play, mp3 samAja-hitAya vyakteH kartavyaH (The Individual's duty for the Society's well-being) - My favorite Chamu Krishna Sastri
play, rm play, mp3 kimartham samskR^itam? (Why Sanskrit?) Chamu Krishna Sastri
play, rm play, mp3 samskR^ita abhyAsasya sulabha paddhatiH (Simplifying Sanskrit learning) Chamu Krishna Sastri

- Sarada and Sai Susarla (