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young-india Our call is to young India. It is the young who must be the builders of the new world. - not those who accept the competitive individualism, the capitalism or the materialistic communism of the West as India's future ideal, not those who are enslaved to old religious formulas and cannot believe in the acceptance and transformation of life by the spirit, but all who are free in mind and heart to accept a completer truth and labour for a greater ideal ... It is with a confident trust in the spirit that inspires us that we take our place among the standard-bearers of the new humanity that is struggling to be born amidst the chaos of a world in dissolution, and of the future India, the greater India of the rebirth that is to rejuvenate the mighty outworn body of the ancient Mother.

- Sri Aurobindo (India's Rebirth, pp. 154)

sa.ngItaM karNATaka hindusthaani lalita (telugu)
telugu purANAlu pravachanAlu sAhityaM toli velugulu
Miscellaneous Articles telugu Recipes sa.nskR^itaM digvijayii bhaarata (blog) padya kaumudi (blog)


gItA yaj~nam
yoga vAsiShTham

yoga vAsiShTham pravachanam - excerpts (audio)

Discourse on yoga vAsiShTam in telugu (excerpts) by Sri Vidyaprakasananda Giri of Suka brahmASramam.

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam is selling cassettes and mp3 CDs of this pravachanam.

Select rm Select mp3 Title
play, rm vairAgya prakaraNam 1 of 6
play, rm mumukShu prakaraNam 1 of 6
play, rm utpatti prakaraNam 1 of 6
play, rm sthiti prakaraNam 1 of 8
play, rm upAsanA prakaraNam 1 of 4
play, rm nirvANa prakaraNam 1 of 6

- Sarada and Sai Susarla (sai.susarla@gmail.com)